Rudy Cohen
Set in 1940s Los Angeles. Two police officers, Bucky Bleichert and his partner, Lee Blanchard, investigate the death of Elizabeth Short - also known as The Black Dahlia, a young woman who is found brutally murdered. With a corpse so mutilated, the photos are kept from the public. Bucky soon realizes that his girlfriend had ties to the deceased, and soon after that, he begins uncovering corruption and conspiracy within the police department. The case...
In times of war, courage is necessary for survival. Alex is an 11-year-old Jewish boy who lives in the Polish ghetto with his father and great-uncle, during WWII. When Nazis come to his city and clear the town, Alex manages to escape with the help of his family, but is left with only his pet mouse. Finding refuge in an abandoned building on Bird Street, Alex seeks inspiration from his favorite book while he and his pet await his father's return.
"Retired marksman James Dial is haunted by his failure to assassinate one of the world's most notorious terrorists. He is approached by his old employers to finish the job in London, where the terrorist leader has been captured and is under heavy protection. The routine mission for the sniper turns into a nightmare as Dial is forced into hiding and relentlessly pursued by the British police and their lead investigator, Windsor. But when Dial is framed...
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Set in 1940s Los Angeles. Two police officers, Bucky Bleichert and his partner, Lee Blanchard, investigate the death of Elizabeth Short - also known as The Black Dahlia, a young woman who is found brutally murdered. With a corpse so mutilated, the photos are kept from the public. Bucky soon realizes that his girlfriend had ties to the deceased, and soon after that, he begins uncovering corruption and conspiracy within the police departmen. The case...
The contractor : Retired marksman James Dial is haunted by his failure to assassinate one of the world's most notorious terrorists. He is approached by his old employers to finish the job in London, where the terrorist leader has been captured and is under heavy protection. The routine mission for the sniper turns into a nightmare as Dial is forced into hiding and relentlessly pursued by the British police and their lead investigator, Windsor. But...