British Broadcasting Corporation.
The Women's Olamal follows the events that preceded a controversial ceremony in Loita, Kenya, to bless the women and to increase their ability to have children. This film, presented in observational style with limited commentary, depicts some of the tensions between men and women in Maasai society which, in this case, erupt in a violent row between them.
Gavin and Stacey along with their dysfunctional family and friends return for a Christmas special and a final season. Season Three finds Smithy feeling left out now that his best friend Gavin has moved to Wales with Stacey. Meanwhile, all seems to be happy with Nessa who has shacked up with her boyfriend Dave. In the Christmas special, Gavin and Stacey's families meet in Essex to celebrate the holiday, but an unexpected surprise announcement from...
Earth, 1988: While the Doctor and Ace flee from emotionless men wielding futuristic pistols, neo-Nazi Herr de Flores is intent on heralding the Fourth Reich. Meanwhile, the villainous Lady Peinforte uses black magic to propel herself forward from 1638 for a final confrontation with her sworn enemy, the Doctor.
A multi-sensory language immersion system that uses a story about Muzzy, an extraterrestrial being who pays a visit to the kingdom of Gondoland, to introduce German to learners at the beginning to early intermediate levels. Features words and phrases related to greetings, numbers, shapes, colors, clothing, people, house and home, school, transportation, parts of the body, days, months, seasons, and more.
Colin Baker years 1984-1986 volume Story no. 142
The planet Karfel is an oppressed world ruled over by a cruel tryant--the Borad. Anyone opposing his will is cast out through a time tunnel known as the Timelash. When the Doctor arrives he is asked to rescue a woman, Vena, who has been sent through the Timelash to Earth with a precious amulet the Borad needs returned. If the Doctor refuses, the life of his companion, Peri, is forfeit.
Climb in the TARDIS for the adventure of a lifetime with this enormous Doctor Who collection featuring every episode of the first two Doctors of the modern era, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. Alongside companions Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), Donna noble (Catherine Tate), Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) and others, it's a non-stop thrill ride as the Doctor's battle all the evil forces of the universe including Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, and...
The invisible enemy: The doctor is infected with a space virus and is soon fighting for control of his mind. Leela's only hope lies on a nearby medical satellite, where she seeks help from eccentric scientist Professor Marius and his dog-shaped computer, K-9 ; contains episodes 1-4.
K-9 and company, a girl's best friend : Sarah is looking forward the spending Christmas with her aunt. When she arrives, she finds her aunt missing, and a surprise present...
Childhood sweethearts Alan and Celia, both widowed and in their 70s, fall for each other all over again when they are reunited on the internet after nearly 60 years. Their relationship is a celebratory tale of the power of love at any age. But this is also a story about family, and with family comes baggage. Celia's respectable, head teacher daughter Caroline is juggling bringing up two boys and dealing with her husband's infidelity, while Alan's...
Based on the life of Isabella Beeton, author of Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management and the most famous cookbook author in British history. Isabella was an accomplished business woman who died when she was only 28. Traces Isabella's transformation from young wife, to magazine journalist, to publishing phenomenon. Find out how a woman who couldn't cook ended up producing the world's most famous recipe book. Discover the dark secret that led...
20) Connections
James Burke presents science as a detective story, illustrating the connections between events of the past and inventions of the future. Burke tracks through twelve thousand years of history for the clues that lead to eight great life-changing inventions-- the atom bomb, telecommunications, the computer, the production line, jet aircraft, plastics, rocketry and television.