Barnes & Noble.
This math skills workbook is designed to strengthen a young learner's ability to understand numbers in a variety of ways. Featuring perforated pages, full-color illustrations, clear examples, and lots of practice problems, this book will help your first-grader develop the skills that he or she needs to become a confident problem-solver.
FOLKLORE, MYTHS & LEGENDS. These lrish tales all are reprinted from nineteenth-century sources, but they date back to a centuries-old oral tradition of storytelling that had yet to be committed to the printed page. They were passed down through the ages virtually unaltered and feature a wide variety of fantastic beings. This edition has an exquisitely designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging and a silk-ribbon bookmark.
The romance of the story, 'Beauty and the Beast' - the triumph of love over looks - has fascinated readers for centuries and inspired numerous films and TV series. This anthology not only features the beloved tale, but 100 enchanting stories chosen from The Blue Fain/Book and other collections by Andrew Lang: 50 devoted to beauties and another 50 from the perspective of the beast. Ages 9+